Make your music lesson engaging and fun with these musical challenge flashcards! Can they find the lowest sound, the highest sound? Can they play the fastest beat? The slowest beat?
Print the musical challenge flashcards and laminate them so they last longer.
You can print these flash cards out and laminate them to make them last longer.
Play in groups/pairs or individually.
These musical challenge flashcards are perfect for practicing musicianship skills and teamwork. Encourage your class to work together to complete the challenges, or practice independent learning and have them work individually.
Encourage your children to play an instrument.
Music is one of the most powerful tools we have to communicate with each other. It helps us express our emotions, connect with others, and even heal ourselves. If you haven’t yet started teaching your children how to play an instrument, now is the perfect time. There are so many instruments available today that there’s no excuse not to start learning.
Feeling a bit extra? Why not play some classic rock music as the kids walk into the classroom. This is a guarantee to get them excited about their music lesson!
For more flash cards why not try these body percussion flash cards. Learn and practice rhythm in a fun and engaging way!