Continual professional development is an amazing, and exciting opportunity for professionals to take part in. Here are the reasons we have found that show the positive benefits of taking part in a CPD course.
1. Stand out from the crowd
Research shows those who have undertaken CPD courses, have a significantly higher chance of gaining a promotion or moving on to a different area within their chosen field. What this also means of course, is that you’ll also be able to achieve a higher salary! (always a bonus!)
2. Stay up to date
By undertaking CPD courses you will have the opportunity to stay up to date with ever changing trends – you could be the first in your faculty to hear about a new approach or method that in turn improves the overall quality of your practice
3. Improve Student Performance
If you’re a teacher you will have an invested interest in the overall performances of your students. By increasing the ability of the teaching staff, you will start to see a noticeable difference reflected in the students’ work.
4. Get out of your comfort zone!
By taking part in CPD courses you might get the opportunity to explore areas of your profession you’ve been longing to research. Get out of your comfort zone and try something you wouldn’t normally try, and trust me you’ll come out of the course feeling like a new person!
5. Stay interested!
CPD helps you to stay both interested – and interesting. Experience is a wonderful thing but it can lead to consistent repetition without consistent growth. Taking part in a focused CPD course can open you up to new skills, updated knowledge and overall new possibilities!
6. It’s a confidence boost!
As with anything we do, confidence is key. Confidence is formed with familiarity and practice, therefore any CPD you take can be a gamechanger to your overall confidence in your field. Filling in those gaps of knowledge you might have been avoiding due to a lack in confidence before.
7. Show your commitment
Actively taking part in CPD shows an increased commitment to your continuing self-improvement. You demonstrate ambition, and a willingness to improve your own professional skills in practice. Something employers consider a very appealing trait!
8. Network! Network! Network!
CPD is a fantastic opportunity to meet and network with other members of your professional field. As with any profession, networking can be largely impactful on your professional progression.
9. Rejuvenate
You may have been working in your professional field for a lengthy amount of time, and perhaps you’re starting to lose the spark you used to possess when you go into your workplace. CPD can help rejuvenate your mindset, and give you a well deserved refresh. Give yourself the time to update your methods, with new skills, knowledge and practices.
10. It’s Fun!
Overall CPD courses can be very enjoyable to take part in! Not all training is boring, and tedious. Rather you will likely find that the courses are interesting, insightful and fun!
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